21 Sound – Clay – Paper

07 05 > 04 06 2023
Hetty Looman, Loes Schepens
performers Sander van Elferen, Wen Chin Fu

Visual artist Hetty Looman has developed the idea of combining paper (by Loes Schepens) and ceramic sound sculptures into a special exhibition and performances.

The exhibition shows similarities (and differences) in material, but sound is also a new element. What sound is where and can it be combined to create added value? These thoughts stem from Looman’s experiments with clay fired into ceramics that has been shaped into sculptures with both visual power and sound. Some of it is hung in a specially designed “sound bubble”. Part of it is the appropriate paper Schepens made from her own grown flax.

Because sound is an essential part of the ceramic works in addition to the visual image, percussionist Sander van Elferen and cellist Wen Chin Fu alternate weekly performances with these sound images from their own disciplines.

Here, drummer and percussionist van Elferen gets to deal with materials other than metal or wood, which traditionally a drum kit is made of. During his performance, he combines the acoustic sounds of the sculptures with electronic sound effects, creating an intriguing and spherical improvisation on the spot.

In her performance, cellist and visual artist Fu uses the suspensions of the sculptures as strings and electronically amplifies the resonances of the sound plates. At the same time, during her live performance, she links her movements to the undulating sounds.

Free performances (20-minute duration) accessible by reservation only: info@paperartanddesign.nl, specify your date and the number of people.

The walk-in is from 2 p.m., the front door closes at 2:25. At 2:30 p.m. the performance starts.

Sander van Elferen opening Sunday, May 7 at 2:30 p.m.
Wen Chin Fu Saturday May 13 at 2.30 p.m.
Sander van Elferen Saturday May 20 at 2.30 p.m.
Sander van Elferen closing Sunday June 4 at 2.30 p.m.